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Collocation of Use and Used

  •  English    30     Public
    Guess the meaning
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  • She used up all the paper for her project.
    "Use up" means to exhaust or deplete the supply of something. In this case, all the paper was completely used until none was left.
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  • This app is useful for organizing daily tasks.
    "Useful for" indicates the purpose or benefit of something. It highlights the usefulness of a particular thing for a specific task or situation.
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  • He decided to make use of his free time by learning a new language.
    "Make use of" means to utilize or take advantage of something that is available or present.
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  • "They discussed the end use cases for the new software."
    "End Use case" refers to a particular situation or scenario in which a product or service can be utilized or applied effectively.
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  • "She used to live in Paris before moving to London."
    "Used to" indicates a past habit or state that was true in the past but is no longer the case in the present.
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  • It's essential to use caution while handling chemicals.
    Use caution" means to be careful or cautious while doing something, especially when it involves potential risks or dangers.
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  • The meeting room is currently in use.
    "In use" indicates that something is currently being utilized or occupied for a particular purpose.
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  • You need to use your head to solve this problem.
    "Use your head" is an idiomatic expression meaning to use one's intelligence, common sense, or reasoning to solve a problem or make a decision.
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  • he old laptop was used and abused for many years.
    "Used and abused" refers to something that has been heavily used over time, often resulting in wear, damage, or deterioration.
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  • The software is available for download, but use it at your own risk.
    "Use at your own risk" is a warning indicating that using something may involve potential dangers or risks, and the responsibility lies with the user.
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  • She used her language skills to her advantage during the negotiations.
    "To use something to your advantage" means to employ a skill, situation, or resource in a way that benefits oneself or helps achieve a desired outcome.
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  • He's used to waking up early for work.
    "Used to doing something" indicates familiarity or being accustomed to a particular habit or situation.
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  • Children are encouraged to use their imagination while playing.
    "Use your imagination" means to be creative or inventive in thinking about or approaching something, often in a playful or inventive manner.
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  • Employees are advised to use discretion when discussing confidential matters.
    "Use discretion" refers to the act of being careful and using good judgment in handling sensitive or confidential information.
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  • It's recommended to use this medicine sparingly.
    "Use sparingly" means to use something in small or limited quantities, avoiding excess or overuse.
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  • She used her voice to advocate for social change.
    "Use your voice" means to express opinions, beliefs, or ideas openly and actively, typically to influence others or bring attention to an issue.
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