Game Preview

G6 Ch5 L1 Features of Earth

  •  English    10     Public
    Week 25 McGraw-Hill Science, Wright Language Academy.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What does Earth’s hydrosphere refer to?
    The part of the earth which contains water.
  •  10
  • Where is water found in Earth’s hydrosphere?
    Glaciers, oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, ponds, etc.
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  • Why is water on Earth’s surface found sometimes as a solid and sometimes as a liquid?
    Some of it is frozen in glaciers in colder regions.
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  • Summarize the major landforms found in the United States.
    Wow, you really know your stuff! / Sorry, we were looking for...
  •  25
  • How could people know whether they were on a plain or on a plateau without being told?
    Plateaus are higher elevation than the land surrounding them, plains are not.
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  • Explain what longitude and latitude are.
    Coordinate system denoting north-south and east-west locations on earth, respectively.
  •  20
  • Summarize how you would find the location of a city on a globe.
    Wow, you really know your stuff! / Sorry, we were looking for...
  •  25
  • Which kind of map would you prefer to bring on a camping trip: a globe or a topographic map? Why?
    Topographic map.
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  • What conditions might make travel to the center of Earth very difficult?
    Impenetrable crust, magma mantle, high temperatures, etc.
  •  20
  • List three of earth's layers.
    Crust, mantle, core, etc.
  •  15