Game Preview

Around the city

  •  English    15     Public
    Around the city
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What are these children walking on?
    They are walking on the side walk. (Why do people walk on the side walk?)
  •  15
  • What are these really tall buildings called?
    They're skyscrapers. (Have you been in a tall building before? How tall was it?)
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  • What do cars drive on?
    The street/road. (Is it safe to walk on the road? Why or why not?)
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  • What is this grey stuff called?
    It's cement. (What can we use cement to build?)
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  • What is this place with white lines on the road called?
    It's the cross walk. (When should you use the cross walk?)
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  • What is this?
    It's a bridge. (What do we use bridges for?)
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  • What kind of truck is this?
    It's a cement mixer. (What does a cement mixer do?)
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  • What are these men doing?
    They're building a house. (What materials are used to build a house?)
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  • What is wrong with this building.
    It's been damaged. (How do you think it was damaged?)
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  • What is this called?
    It's a statue. (Are there statues in your city? If so, describe them.)
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  • What kind of building is this?
    It's a store. (What do you do in a store?)
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  • What are these called?
    They are flags (What does the flag from your country look like?)
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  • What are these people riding their bikes on?
    On a bike trail. (Is riding bikes popular where you live?)
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  • What are these?
    These are power lines? (What do power lines do?)
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  • What are these people inside of?
    They're in an elevator. (What does an elevator do?)
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