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Ready for IELTS unit 2 (technologes)

  •  English    11     Public
    Ready for IELTS unit 2 (technologes)
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  • Some argue that constant impr__________ may lead to a lack of appreciation for the present, as the focus on progress often overshadows the value of what already exists.
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  • While destr________ is generally viewed negatively, some contend that it can pave the way for new opportunities and growth, as it clears the path for innovation and reconstruction
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  • The pursuit of increased pro________ might have detrimental consequences on the environment, potentially jeopardizing the delicate balance of our ecosystems.
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  • It's often debated whether individual choices truly af________ broader societal issues, or if larger systemic changes are needed to address the challenges we face.
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  • The perception of what is har_______ can vary widely among individuals and cultures, raising questions about the subjectivity of judgments and the role of personal responsibility.
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  • The human enh___________, through technologies like genetic engineering or artificial intelligence, sparks ethical debates about the potential risks and unintended consequences for society.
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  • Some argue that aggressive pro________ of certain lifestyles or products can contribute to societal inequality, as it may disproportionately influence vulnerable populations.
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  • The definition of environmental da_______ is subjective, with some asserting that certain practices labeled as damaging are necessary for economic growth and development.
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  • While industrialization and urbanization are often blamed for urban ru_______, others argue that they are essential for progress and the evolution of societies.
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  • The pursuit of technological ad___________ raises concerns about its impact on employment, as automation and artificial intelligence may lead to job displacement for many.
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  • Some claim that cultural det____________ is an inevitable consequence of globalization, while others argue that it enriches societies by fostering diversity and mutual understanding.
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