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  • 1. Prawn
    A delicious and succulent seafood delicacy often used in various culinary dishes.
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  • Versatile
    Capable of adapting or being used in various ways; flexible and multifunctional.
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  • Ingredient
    A component used in the preparation of a dish, often contributing to its flavor, texture, or overall composition.
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  • 4. Boil
    The cooking process of immersing food in boiling water, often used for items like pasta or vegetables.
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  • 5. Celery
    A crisp and flavorful vegetable commonly used in salads, soups, and as a crunchy snack.
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  • 6. Drain
    The act of removing excess liquid from food, typically after cooking, by using a strainer or allowing it to drip.
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  • 7. Peel
    To remove the outer layer of a fruit or vegetable, revealing the edible part underneath.
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  • Spring Onion
    A type of onion with a mild flavor, commonly used in salads, garnishes, and various dishes.
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  • 9. Chop
    To cut food into smaller pieces, usually with a knife or other cutting tool.
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  • 10. Starving
    Feeling extremely hungry or famished due to a lack of food.
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  • 11. Mayonnaise
    A creamy condiment made from oil, egg yolk, and vinegar, often used as a dressing or spread.
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  • 12. Starter
    The initial course of a meal, usually a small dish served before the main course.
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  • 13. Main Course
    The primary and typically larger course in a meal, usually featuring the main protein source.
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  • 14. Dessert
    A sweet course served at the end of a meal, often including cakes, pastries, or fruits.
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  • 15. Curry
    A flavorful dish, often associated with South Asian cuisine, featuring a variety of spices and usually a protein or vegetables in a savory sauce.
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  • 16. Recipe
    A set of instructions detailing the ingredients and steps to prepare a particular dish.
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