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I ONE 2A Lead-in

  •  English    16     Public
    vocabulary related to the topic of work
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Can you explain the difference between a full-time job and a part-time job?
    A full-time job is done for the number of hours that people normally work in a complete week. Part-time work or study is done during just some of these hours.
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  • What's the difference between skills and qualifications?
    A skill is the ability to do something well. Qualifications are degrees, certificates or diplomas that you get when you successfully finish a course of study
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  • What's the verb we can use when a person needs to travel to their place of work?
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  • What are some of the verbs we can use to say that someone has to leave their job?
    to be fired, to be made redundant, to be laid off, to be sacked
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  • Would you prefer to work in a small local business or in a big company? Why?
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  • What is the meaning of "co-worker"?
    It's a person who works with you
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  • If you were a boss, what kind of boss do you think you would be?
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  • What's the difference between "self-employed" and "freelance worker"?
    A self-employed person works for themselves instead of for an employer. Freelance workers offer their services to many different companies.
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  • What's the difference between "be out of work" and "be off work"?
    Be out work means you don’t have a job or have lost the one you had. Be off work means you are on a temporary absence.
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  • When you voluntarily leave a job, you...
    quit the job / resign from the job
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  • What are some of the qualities that a good boss should have?
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  • What are some of the qualities that a good workmate should have?
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  • Would you like to work with a friend or someone from your family? Why/Why not?
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  • Would you like to work abroad? What are some advantages of this?
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  • When you "apply for a job", you...
    send your CV to a company to request that job
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  • A student who has recently obtained a degree, who works in a job in order to get experience, often for low or no pay is...
    an intern / a trainee
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