Game Preview


  •  English    18     Public
    Would you rather questions for advanced students
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or go into the future and meet your great-great grandchildren?
  •  15
  • Would you rather have more time or more money?
  •  15
  • Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?
  •  15
  • Would you rather be able to talk with the animals or speak all foreign languages?
  •  15
  • Would you rather work more hours per day, but fewer days or work fewer hours per day, but more days?
  •  15
  • Would you rather explore space or the ocean?
  •  15
  • Would you rather have x-ray vision or magnified hearing?
  •  15
  • Would you rather be stuck on an island alone or with someone who talks incessantly?
  •  15
  • Would you rather live where it is constantly winter or where it is constantly summer?
  •  15
  • Would you rather know how you will die or when you will die?
  •  15
  • Would you rather read minds or accurately predict future?
  •  15
  • Would you rather be stronger than average or smarter than average?
  •  15
  • Would you rather go through life unable to forget anything ever or go through life unable to remember anything?
  •  15
  • Would you rather have a huge imagination or a photographic memory?
  •  15
  • Would you rather have people admire you for your good deeds or respect you for your power?
  •  15
  • Would you rather have to live out the rest of your life in the wilderness or live out the rest of your life in jail?
  •  15