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What would YOU do?

  •  English    10     Public
    A multiple choice quiz about difficult decisions
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  • You want to go and visit a friend but there is a lockdown. What do you do?
    Get angry and wreck your home
    Stay alone, with nobody to talk to
    Go anyway, nobody will know
    Talk to them online through facetime, zoom or skype
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  • You have a bit of a cold, but no cough what should you do?
    Phone 999 for an ambulance
    Keep warm, rest and drink lots of water, it will soon pass
    Go and wait at A&E for 5 hours
    Demand an emergency appointment with the GP
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  • You get an email telling you to pay a fine, but you're not sure?
    Pay it with your credit card
    Phone them and give them your bank details
    Ignore it
    Ask someone you trust, to have a look, it may be a scam
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  • Someone you only talk to online but haven't met says they need money.
    Set up a direct debit to pay them
    Avoid talking to people, they're all liars
    Tell them, you can't give them money, so please don't ask
    GIve them what they need
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  • Someone knocks at the door and says the lanlord sent them to check your boiler, with no appointment
    Arrange to buy a new boiler from them
    Panic and slam the door on their foot
    Tell them, they can't come in, check with your landlord.
    Let them in and go and make them a cuppa
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  • You are in town and someone with a clipboard asks you to set up a regular donation to save the catfish
    Never give the charity, it's all a scam
    Take a leaflet home and decide in your own time
    Sign it and try and remember to cancel later
    Sign up to the highest payment, every month
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  • Your neighbour is drunk and making a lot of noise in the early hours, shouting and breaking things
    Go out and confront them
    Hide and put up with it in case they shout at you
    Turn your music up to the max as well
    If it sounds like people are in trouble call the police
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  • A friend keeps asking to borrow money. You never get it back.
    Say no. They might just be using you.
    Give them what they want this time and try not to do it again
    Your friends are more important that you, give it to them.
    Threaten to hurt them if they don't pay you back
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  • A stranger offers you a brand new iPhone for only £50
    Buy one, it is a bargain
    Buy two of them and sell one to a friend
    Say no thanks. You don't know where it's from.
    Accuse her of being a thief and start shouting
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  • You feel low and someone offers you some loose tablets, telling you they will help you.
    Take the lot, you feel really down
    Take one and see how it goes
    Say no thanks, see a health professional if you feel low
    Give them to your friend to take instead
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