Game Preview

Respect Act it Out

  •  English    12     Public
    respect, act it out
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Scenario: In a group discussion, one child consistently interrupts others. Role-play the importance of patiently listening and taking turns to speak.
  •  15
  • Scenario: A friend seems uncomfortable with too much physical closeness. Explore the concept of personal space and demonstrate respectful boundaries.
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  • Scenario: During a game, some children exclude another from playing. Emphasize the importance of including everyone and being inclusive.
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  • Scenario: Two friends have different opinions on a topic. Role-play expressing differing views respectfully without resorting to rudeness.
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  • Scenario: A child borrows a friend's toy without asking. Demonstrate the importance of seeking permission and respecting others' belongings.
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  • Scenario: Children notice that a new student has a different cultural background. Explore the concept of respecting and celebrating diversity.
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  • Scenario: A child questions a teacher's instructions. Discuss the importance of following rules and respecting authority figures in certain situations.
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  • Scenario: A child accidentally damages someone else's artwork. Role-play taking responsibility, apologizing sincerely, and finding a solution.
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  • Scenario: A child encounters cyberbullying. Discuss the importance of treating others with respect both in school and online.
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  • Scenario: One child helps another with homework. Role-play expressing gratitude and appreciation for the support received.
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  • Scenario: Children are playing in the park and one throws their garbage on the ground. Role-play the importance of respecting nature.
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  • Scenario: During lunch, a child makes negative comments about another's food. Role play the importance of respecting differences and using kindness.
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