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Vocabulary EEAOC

  •  English    10     Public
    Crime and criminals -
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • A criminal is a person who has _______ the law. A. committed B. offended C. broken
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  • Criminals can also be called law breakers or _______ . A. lawyers B. offenders C. baddies
    B. offenders
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  • What can we call someone who steals? A. a thief B. a theft C. a thieve
    A. a thief
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  • Tommy can bump into someone and take their wallet without their knowing. What is he? A. a burglar B. a pickpocket C. a mugger
    B. a pickpocket
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  • Betsy had no money to buy food for her kids, so she took it from a supermarket without paying. What was her crime? A. kidnapping B. being poor C. shoplifting
    C. shoplifting
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  • What do we call someone who sells illegal drugs? A. a drug dealer B. a drug user C. a drug taker
    A. a drug dealer
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  • What kind of criminal is a businessman who imports goods without paying tax? A. a forger B. a smuggler C. a deserter
    B. a smuggler
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  • In 2001, Saudi Arabian terrorists led an attack on the USA in which passenger airlines were _______ and crashed into buildings. A. vandalized B. kidnapped C. hijacked
    C. hijacked
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  • Jack breaks into rich people's homes and steals money and jewellery. He's an expert at A. burglary B. treachery C. bigamy
    A. burglary
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  • A professional killer who's paid to murder people for political reasons is called A. a soldier B. a spy C. an assassin
    C. an assassin
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