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The Incredible Journey - Chapters 4-6

  •  English    23     Public
    Reading Comprehension
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  • 22. What does the labrador try eating at first?
    He tried to eat berries and deer droppings.
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  • 23. What does the author mean when she says, "The generations fell away"?
    Generations of his ancestors had been taught not to eat the animals they hunted.
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  • 24. What leads the animals to the Ojibway campsite?
    The animals smell food cooking.
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  • 25. How can you tell that the young dog is more cautious about humans than the other two animals are?
    He doesn't go into the campsite.
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  • 26. How does the Ojibway woman help the old dog?
    She put wet moss on his cuts.
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  • 27. Why don't the terrier and the cat stay with the Ojibway longer?
    the young dog calls them to leave.
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  • 28. How does the nomadic life affect the cat?
    The cat seemed to fare very well since he was such a good hunter.
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  • 28. How does the nomadic life affect the old dog?
    Though he was hungry, the old dog got enough food to get by, and he became more physically fit.
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  • 28. How does the nomadic life affect the young dog?
    The young dog was very hungry and increasingly became thin.
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  • 29. Where do the animals like to sleep? Why?
    They like to sleep in the hollows under uprooted trees.
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  • 30. What are some signs of the changing season?
    Many of the trees had already lost their leaves. Many birds had already migrated. Animals had gotten their winter coats and were preparing to hibernate.
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  • 31. How does the change of season affect the animals?
    31. The cat's and young dog's coats were thickening. Sometimes they chose to travel through the night when it was cold.
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  • 32. Why does someone shoot at the animals?
    32. The old dog had tried to find food in a garbage can at a lumber camp.
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  • 33. How does the old recluse treat the animals?
    He welcomes them into his house and sets a place for them at his table. He asked them to come back again.
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  • 34. What problem arises when the animals enter the river?
    A beaver dam breaks, causing the river to flood
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  • 35. How do the dogs respond to the loss of the cat?
    The young dog did everything he could to save the cat, but he was not successful. The old dog howled in grief.
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