Game Preview

Final 1 Review (Unit 1 to 3)

  •  English    24     Public
    Grade 4 Bilingual
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • The layer air that surrounds the earth is called _________________.
  •  15
  • _________________ are solids that can dissolve in a liquid.
  •  15
  • _________________ are solids that cannot dissolve in a liquid.
  •  15
  • The term ________________ is used to describe what happens to the soluble solids that melt in the mixture.
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  • _________________ is the liquid that is used to dissolve a solute in a solution.
  •  15
  • _________________ is the solid that dissolves in the solvent in a solution.
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  • Which of the following best describes the process of evaporation?
    The particles gain energy and move away from each other.
    The particles gain energy and move closer to each other.
    The particles lose energy and move closer to each other.
    The particles lose energy and move away from each other.
  •  25
  • Which of the following best describes the process of condensation?
    The particles gain energy and move away from each other.
    The particles gain energy and move closer to each other.
    The particles lose energy and move closer to each other.
    The particles lose energy and move away from each other.
  •  25
  • Which variable is kept the same throughout the investigation?
    control variable
    independent variable
    dependent variable
  •  20
  • Which variable is the one condition that is changed during a scientific experiment?
    control variable
    independent variable
    dependent variable
  •  20
  • Which variable is the one condition that is observed or measured during a scientific experiment?
    control variable
    independent variable
    dependent variable
  •  20
  • This describes how high or low a sound is.
  •  15
  • This describes how loud or quiet a sound is.
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  • How can you make a recorder produce low notes?
    You must cover more holes on the recorder.
  •  25
  • How can you make a recorder produce high notes?
    You must cover less holes in the recorder.
  •  25
  • Why is a tightened string of a guitar producing a high note?
    Because when the string is tightened, the sound VIBRATIONS MOVE FASTER making a high sound.
  •  25