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School Idioms Context Clues

  •  English    27     Public
    Idioms with context clues with multiple choice answers
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  • Our class wasn't sure which kind of carnival book to create. We decided to "brainstorm" together.
    B. To be confused
    C. To have a headache due to a storm
    A. To think of lots of ideas
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  • When my class started to chat, Mrs. Brents told us to pay attention since time was short, but we still had "to cover a lot of ground".
    B. To hide what you know
    A. To go over new material or learn things
    C. To run all over the playground
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  • Lily waited until the last minute to do everything. The night before the project was due, she had to "crank out a paper".
    B. To tear pieces of paper
    A. To quickly write or type a paper
    C. To do your best writing
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  • Ms. Green is nice to everyone, but she is extra sweet to Ryan. Everyone knows he is "the teacher's pet".
    B. The class pet
    C. The teacher's animal at home
    A. The teacher's favorite student
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  • Gabe goofed off so much that finally, Mr. Davis said, I'm "keeping an eye on you"!
    B. I need glasses
    A. I'm watching you
    C. I'm ignoring you
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  • When I brought a heavy volcano project to school, I asked Jake to "give me a hand".
    To give someone an award
    To let someone work alone
    To help someone
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  • After the principal heard kids playing in the bathroom, we knew they would be "in hot water".
    C. To have a warm bath
    B. To be given an award
    A. To be in trouble
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  • The research project took so long to create that we were "working our fingers to the bone".
    C. To relax
    B. To have arthritis
    A. Working really hard
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  • My teacher said that if we can memorize our math facts, next year we'll be "ahead of the game"!
    C. Someone who loves board games
    B. Someone who is concentrating
    A. Someone who is more likely to succeed
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  • When we finished our biography projects, Mrs. Lang said that now we were "armed with skills".
    B. Someone who lifts weights
    C. Someone who has weapons
    A. Someone with helpful experiences
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  • Ms. Owens told us that good writers observe things carefully. She told us we could write better dialogue if we kept our "ears to the ground".
    C. To tune everything out
    A. To pay attention to everything
    B. To keep our ears clean
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