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BE B2 NEW 1st Class 23 Task 10

  •  English    8     Public
    Class 23 Task 10
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Ninety percent of the time employees see no problem with staying in the same job as long as they can continue to develop their skills.
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  • The majority of employees consistently cite pay rise as the number one thing that would improve their job satisfaction.
    False. The majority of employees consistently cite growth as the number one thing that would improve their job satisfaction.
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  • As a rule of thumb, people nowadays choose one job and do that for the rest of their lives.
    False. People nowadays have on average 15 jobs during their lifetime.
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  • More often than not, people choose a career unrelated to their university major.
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  • On the whole, the lower the autonomy of employees to decide when to start and stop work, the more relaxed they are.
    False. On the whole, the lower the autonomy of employees to decide when to start and stop work, the less relaxed they are.
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  • Generally speaking, procrastinating a project for work can increase focus and efficiency.
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  • In a large number of cases, employees who rated their promotion chances as certain reported that they had no changes in their job satifsaction.
    False. In a large number of cases, employees who rated their promotion chances as certain reported that their job made them feel optimistic most of the time.
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  • Employees who have a manager who is good at recognising their strengths and weaknesses tend to feel cheerful at work much of the time.
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