Game Preview


  •  English    21     Public
    Books and Characters
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • A biscuit runs away and is chased by lots of animals and people. He tries to cross over a river with the help of a sneaky fox. Name that story!
    The Gingerbread Man
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  • Which character says: "All the better to see you with, my dear!"
    The Big Bad Wolf
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  • When some pigs leave home, they decide to build their own houses but a wolf pays them a visit. Name that story!
    The Three Little Pigs
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  • Which character says: "This bed is too soft!"
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  • A girl leaves a palace at midnight but dropped a glass slipper. Name that story!
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  • A little boy trades his cow for magic beans, finds a giant's castle in the sky and a rather special goose. Name that story!
    Jack and the Beanstalk
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  • A man plays a magic flute and rats and children follow him. Name that story!
    The Pied Piper
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  • A boy finds a magical lamp with a genie inside! Name that story!
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  • A witch puts a spell on a boy and turns him into a terrible creature. He lives in a castle and the spell can only be broken if he finds love before the last rose petal falls. Name that story!
    Beauty and the Beast
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  • A fairy brings a toy boy puppet to life. Whenever he tells a lie his nose grows longer. Name that story!
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  • A witch locks a girl in a tall tower. The girl's hair grows longer and longer and one day a prince climbs up her hair into the tower to rescue her. Name that story!
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  • A evil sorcerer says that when a princess turns 16 she will prick her finger on a spinning wheel and fall into a deep sleep. Name that story!
    Sleeping Beauty
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  • Name this character!
    The Cheshire Cat
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  • Name this character!
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  • Name this character!
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  • Name this character!
    Puss in Boots
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