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Holiday Idioms

  •  English    15     Public
    Practice idioms related to the holidays
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  • Trey ran into the room smiling and holding a strand of Christmas lights. "When can we start decorating the tree?" he asked. Mom rolled her eyes and said, "Ugh. Is it that time of the year again?" Trey replied, "Bah Humbug!"
    Mom is grumpy about Christmas
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  • It was Christmas cookie baking day! Reggie's mom and aunts made 15 different kinds of Christmas cookies and he was going to try them all. After chowing down 8 cookies, he felt sick. His mom said, "Ah your eyes were bigger than your stomach!
    When you think you can eat a certain amount of food, but it turns out to be way too much
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  • Tony knew he drank too much soda. He knew it was bad for him and he decided to do something about it. He announced, "I'm quitting soda cold turkey!"
    Quitting a bad habit suddenly
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  • John was being a brat about not getting a PS5 for Christmas. He kept whining, and his mom finally said, "You got a hover board and $100 in Amazon gift cards. You should count your blessings."
    Be grateful for what you have or show appreciation for what you have
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  • Colette woke up and ran to the window. She was really hoping Santa would bring her a new sled and a white Christmas this year.
    a snowy Christmas
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  • Maddie looked at her empty plate and all the food still left on the table. Her mom said she could go play with her cousins, but instead she laid on the couch and waited for the food coma to kick in.
    Feeling sleepy after eating a lot of food
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  • Scott told Ronan at recess that he was going ice skating with his dad after school. Ronan wanted to go too. Scott got into his dad's car after school and asked, "Can Ronan go skating with us?" Dad, "Of course! The more the merrier!"
    The more people/things there are, the better the situation will be
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  • Dad looked down at the new puppy tearing apart the new Christmas pillow. He shook his head and said, "You're no angel."
    You're behaving badly, you're being naughty
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  • After eating his holiday meal and finishing it off with 2 pieces of apple pie, Tucker announced, "I'm stuffed!"
    being full, overeating
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  • Jake wanted his dog to celebrate the holiday too, so he put a piece of turkey and a roll on a plate and set it down in front of the big Golden Retriever. The pup gobbled it up right away.
    Eat very quickly
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  • Mikey thought his big brother wasn't going to be able to come home for the holidays this year. He lit up like a Christmas tree when he opened the kitchen door and saw his brother sitting at the table
    To be very happy, extremely happy
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  • Dad yelled about the Christmas carols being too loud. After he turned down the volume, Joey thought, "You're a real grinch, Dad."
    A grumpy, miserable person
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  • Jackson handed Maria her gift. He was excited to surprise her with a special ring. Maria had hinted for weeks she wanted a new tv, so she was surprised to see the box. When she opened it, she said, "Wow, good things come in small packages!"
    A present doesn't have to be big to be good
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  • The kids in class were all joking around and chatting about their weekends. Mrs. Turek got their attention and said, "Okay, enough joking around. Let's talk turkey. We have a math test tomorrow and we have to get some practice in."
    Talking about a problem or a situation in a serious way, wanting to solve it quickly
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