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Academy Stars 4 Unit 9 What happens if?

  •  English    10     Public
    Using 'What happens if?' with zero conditional
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What happens if you pour oil on water?
    If you pour oil on water, it floats.
  •  15
  • What happens if you leave ice cream in the sun?
    If you leave ice cream in the sun, it melts.
  •  15
  • What happens if you put water in the freezer?
    If you put water in the freezer, it freezes.
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  • What happens if you have a hole in your boat?
    If you have a hole in your boat, it sinks.
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  • What happens if you put sugar in hot coffee?
    If you put sugar in hot coffee, it dissolves.
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  • What happens if you don't sleep at night?
    If you don't sleep at night, you are very tired the next day.
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  • What happens if you don't do your homework?
    If you don't do your homework, your teacher gets angry.
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  • What happens if you eat only chocolate?
    If you eat only chocolate, you can have problems with your health.
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  • What happens if you step on a banana peel?
    If you step on a banana peel, you fall.
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  • What happens if you touch a shark?
    If you touch a shark, it bites you.
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