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U4 Quiz #1: China

  •  English    9     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What are the two major rivers in Imperial China?
    Yangtze River and Yellow River
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  • What is an aristocracy?
    An aristocracy is a form of government where a small group of elites rule.
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  • What is a meritocracy?
    Meritocracy refers to a system under which advancement within the system turns on "merits", like performance, intelligence, credentials, and education.
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  • Describe a dynasty and provide one example of a dynasty in Imperial China.
    A dynasty is a family or line of rulers, a succession of sovereigns of a country belonging to a single family or tracing their descent to a common ancestor
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  • According to the Mandate of Heaven, who can overthrow the emperor?
    The people can overthrow the emperor if he rules badly.
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  • Explain what happened to China when the Han dynasty lost the Mandate of Heaven? Who reunited China?
    When the Han Dynasty fell China broke into separate kingdoms. It was reunited by the Sui dynasty.
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  • Explain why during the Tang dynasty, why did aristocrats continue to hold the most government offices.
    Only the wealthy could afford the tutors, books and study time needed to pass the exam.
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  • According to emperors and scholars, knowledge of the ideas of Confucius would produce what type of government official?
    Government officials who had studied Confucius would be rational, moral and able to maintain order.
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  • How did the process of becoming a government official change during the Song Dynasty?
    People from lower classes were also allowed to become government officials by attending state supported local schools and could go on to the university to becom
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