Game Preview

Should I or Shouldn't I?

  •  English    32     Public
    Read each scenario and decide whether or not you should or shouldn't. You can explain what you would do or wouldn't do the actions stated.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You blurt out the answer to a question the teacher asks instead of raising your hand and waiting.
  •  15
  • There is a new girl in your class. She looks nervous. You ask her if she wants to sit with you.
  •  20
  • You lose your jacket at recess. When your Dad asks you where it is, you lie and tell her a kid at school took it.
  •  5
  • You cheat while playing a game with a friend.
  •  25
  • You can't find your homework and it's time to leave for school. You yell at your Dad to find it.
  •  20
  • You are playing basketball and miss a shot. You don't say anything and just try again.
  •  5
  • You tell your classmates that a private jet took you to school today.
  •  20
  • You don't like the assignment your teacher assigned to you, but you decide to do it anyway.
  •  10
  • You yell at your teacher when she tells you to redo your work.
  •  10
  • A girl in class laughs when you made a mistake, so you trip her when she walks by you in class.
  •  25
  • You are at a fun party with your parents. When they tell you it is time to go, you argue loudly with them.
  •  20
  • Your Aunt got you a gift that you don't like. You tell her that you don't like it and don't want it.
  •  10
  • Your Grandma asks you what you did in school. You say "nothing".
  •  5
  • Your Mom tells you that your favorite shirt is in the wash. You refuse to go to school.
  •  5
  • You are playing a board game with your friends. You decide to act out all the voices from your favorite cartoon.
  •  25
  • You are in the car with your family. You keep opening and closing the window.
  •  20