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math riddle

  •  English    15     Public
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  • 888+88+8+8+8
  •  25
  • What number goes up and doesn’t come back down?
    Your age
  •  10
  • How many times does the long hand of the clock pass the short hand between midnight one day and midnight the following day? As both hands are together at the starting time of midnight this does not count as a pass.
  •  10
  • An apple is 40 cents, a banana is 60 cents. and a grapefruit is 80 cents. How much is a pear?
    Forty cents, because the price of each fruit is calculated by multiplying the number of vowels by 20 cents.
  •  10
  • Divide 20 by half and add 30, what do you get?
    Seventy, because 20 divided by ½ = 10 + 30 = 70.
  •  10
  • Add me to myself and multiply by 4. Divide me by 8 and you will have me once more. What number am I?
    Any number
  •  10
  • You win 25 points
  •  25
  • You win 15 points
  •  15
  • Can you arrange four nines to make it equal to 100?
    99+9/9 = 100
  •  15
  • I am a number with a couple of friends, quarter a dozen, and you’ll find me again. What am I?
  •  15
  • There are 25 red balls, 47 green balls. and 3 blue balls in a basket. There is a blind man. What is the minimum number of balls that the blind man has to pick to make sure that there are at least 2 balls of different colors?
    48 balls. There is a small chance he may pick up 47 green balls in a row.
  •  15
  • You win 5 points
  •  5
  • Sally and Sarah were preparing to have a water balloon fight. “No Fair” cried Sally, “You have 3 times as many as I do!” Sarah said “Fine!” and gave Sally 10 more balloons. “Still not fair!” argued Sally, “You still have twice as many as I
    Sarah must give Sally another 20 water balloons, giving them each 60. Sally started with 30 water balloons and Sarah with 90.
  •  25
  • Two travelers spend from 12 o’clock to 6 o’clock walking along a level road, up a hill, and back again. Their pace is 4 mph on the level, 3 mph uphill, and 6 mph downhill. How far do they walk and at what time do they reach the top of the h
    They walk 4 miles and reach the top of the hill at half past three.
  •  15
  • Harry is 54 years old, and his mother, Anna, is 80. How many years ago was Anna three times the age of her son Harry?
    41 years ago
  •  15