Game Preview

Thanksgiving Expected Vs. Unexpected

  •  English    14     Public
    Expected Behavior
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  • Your aunt is over for Thanksgiving dinner, but you would rather have somebody else over. You put pinecones on her chair.
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  • You aren't allowed to make the squash you always eat at Thanksgiving, so you throw out all the squash.
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  • You and your brother want to watch the football game, but the power goes out. You decide to have your own game.
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  • The turkey in the oven gets burnt. You throw all the dishes off the table.
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  • Your uncle makes your favorite sweet corn, and you say thank you.
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  • When dessert is being served, you get a smaller piece of pie than your sister, so you whine about it all night
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  • The apple pie you wanted had an old expiration date so you can't eat it. You're upset and refuse to go on the hay ride.
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  • You and your dad are at the store picking a turkey, when you drop one on the floor. You apologize.
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  • Mike is making you cider, but accidentally adds too much cinnamon. When you sip it, you spit it all over the place.
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  • You go to watch the parade on TV, but the parade was cancelled because of bad weather. You yell at the TV and throw the remote.
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  • With all your family over for dinner, it's hard to get a good piece of pie. So, you take most of the pie.
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  • While raking the yard, you find somebody's wallet in the leaves. You tell your parents, and they make sure it gets to the owner.
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  • After Thanksgiving dinner, you must clean the table. You clean up while smiling.
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  • Your sister thinks it would be funny to leave a scary scarecrow in your room. You punch her in the face for this.
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