Game Preview

G2A - Lesson 27 (Reading comp)

  •  English    10     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • p231 - What is a tornado?
    A spinning cloud.
  •  15
  • p231 - Why is a tornado dangerous?
    It can destroy a house and toss a car in the air.
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  • p232 - How does a tornado begin?
    As a thunderstorm
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  • p232 - TRUE or FALSE - A tornado is a small event?
    FALSE - It is a big event.
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  • p233 - Where do most tornadoes happen?
    In the United State of America.
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  • p233 -  Why do tornadoes form?
    Because warm air from the south meets cold air from the north.
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  • p234 - What do weak tornadoes do? What do strong tornadoes do?
    Weak tornadoes break branches and damage signs. Strong tornadoes destroy houses.
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  • p234 - What do children do in schools in areas where tornadoes happen?
    They prepare to be safe.
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  • p235 - How can you stay safe in a tornado?
    See box.
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  • p235 - If we hear a tornado warning what should we do?
    Follow the safety rules.
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