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U3 Quiz #1: "New" Imperialism

  •  English    8     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Explain in your own words imperialism.
    Imperialism is the practice, theory or attitude of maintaining or extending power over foreign nations
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  • Explain in your own words colonization. Explain one example of colonization that we have studied in the course. (2-3)
    The act of taking control of an area or a country that is not your own, especially using force, and sending people from your own country to live there.
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  • Explain in your own words assimilation. Explain one example of assimilation that we have studied in the course. (2 -3)
    The process of becoming similar to others by taking in and using their customs and culture could happen naturally or be forced upon.
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  • To what extent did the Industrial Revolution fuel “New” Imperialism. Explain. (2 - 3)
    The need for cheap natural resources to keep up with the industrial demands
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  • Explain in your own words Social Darwinism. To what extent did Social Darwinsim accelerate “New” Imperialism? Explain. (3 - 4)
    Social Darwinists believe in “survival of the fittest”—the idea that certain people become powerful in society because they are innately better. It was used to
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  • The European nations colonized different parts of the world and were able to keep their power by using both indirect and direct control. Explain both indirect and direct control in relation to colonization. (2 - 3)
    Direct control: control through foreign country being in the colony with laws & policies Indirect control: social / cultural norms / procedures
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  • To what extent did “new” imperialism have a negative impact? Use one example to support your reasoning. (2 - 3).
    Unnaturally imposed colonial borders led to tribal conflict Native elites alienated from common peopleNon-development of internal infrastructureAssimilation
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  • Use one of the following case studies of Ghana, Algeria. The Democratic Republic of the Congo OR Kenya as an example to support the following IB MVP Statement of Inquiry: The quest for power affects various individuals and societies
    Answers will vary
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