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Idioms for emotions and difficult situations

  •  English    8     Public
    SPB1.2 Think positive! p. 6, 7
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • I'm ___ at the moment because I've got an exam this afternoon. I always worry about exams because I think I'm going to fail.
    a bundle of nerves
  •  15
  • I've got to give a presentation in front of the whole class next week. I hope I don't ___ it's really important and I need to stay calm.
    go to pieces
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  • I know I shouldn't get angry, but I always ___ when people don't listen to what I'm saying.
    get wound up
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  • I wasn't doing very well and I wanted to leave the course, but my friend told me to ___ and not leave. I'm really glad I listened to her, because in the end I got a better result than I expected.
    hang in there
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  • Written exams don't bother me at all, but for some reason I'm always nervous before speaking tests. They really ___ .
    stress me out
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  • I'm doing really well at school this year. I just need to ___ and I think I'll get good results.
    keep it up
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  • To be honest, I ___ about group projects. They sometimes go well, but there's always a chance that one person's mistake can have a bad effect on the whole group.
    have mixed feelings
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  • I didn't know anyone when I first came here, and I didn't speak the language very well either. I felt ___ and it took me a long time to feel at home.
    like a fish out of water
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