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Revision for 2nd Test Collaborate 4

  •  English    32     Public
    Used to/Would, Past Perfect/Past Simple, Present Perfect Simple & Continuous, Present Perfect & Past Simple
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  • Present perfect or past simple?  I _________ (read) 30 books so far this year.
    I HAVE READ 30 books so far this year.
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  • Present perfect or past simple?  I _________ (read) 50 books last year.
    I READ 50 books last year.
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  • Present perfect or past simple?  Amy _______ (live) in the USA for the last ten years.
    Amy HAS LIVED in the USA for the last ten years.
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  • Present perfect or past simple? Amy _________ (live) in England when she was a child.
    Amy LIVED in England when she was a child.
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  • Used to/Would/Past Simple - When I was young we WOULD LIVE/LIVED in Scotland.
    Both are correct.
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  • Used to/Would/Past Simple - When I was a child, I WOULD/USED TO BE afraid of dogs.
    When I was a child, I USED TO BE afraid of dogs. (you can't use 'would' because 'be' is a state verb.
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  • Used to/Would/Past Simple - Last year, I WENT/USED TO GO to Menorca for my summer holiday.
    Last year, I WENT to Menorca for my summer holiday.
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  • Used to/Would/Past Simple  - I DIDN'T USE TO/WOULDN'T like classical music as a child, but now I love it.
    I DIDN'T USE TO like classical music as a child, but now I love it.
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  • Used to/Would/Past Simple - She WENT/WOULD go to see her grandmother every weekend.
    Both are correct.
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  • Past simple or past perfect? - I ________ (not recognize) Jane because she ________ (change) so much.
    I DIDN'T RECOGNISE Jane because she HAD CHANGED so much.
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  • Past simple or past perfect? The football match _______ (ALREADY START) by the time we ________ (GET) to the stadium.
    The football match HAD ALREADY STARED by the time we GOT to the stadium.
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  • Past simple or past perfect? We _________ (NOT CAN) use the ski slopes because it ________(NOT SNOW) enough.
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  • Past simple or past perfect? They _______ (NOT CAN) get a table at the restaurant becuse they _________ (NOT BOOK) in advance.
    They _______ COULDN'T get a table at the restaurant becuse they HADN'T BOOKED in advance.
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  • Past simple or past perfect?The captain _________ (NOT SCORE) any goals when the referee ______ (SEND) him off.
    The captain _________ HADN'T SCORED any goals when the referee SENT him off.
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  • Past simple or past perfect? Even though the players _________ (trained) really hard, they __________ (not be) able to beat the other team.
    Even though the players _________ (trained) really hard, they __________ (not be) able to beat the other team.
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