Game Preview

Solving Problems

  •  English    19     Public
    Identifying the size of the problem, size of the reaction and how to appropriately solve the problem.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You lost a game that you were playing with your friends. What size is the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Small. Say good game!
  •  15
  • You spill your milk at lunch all over your clothes. What size is the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Medium. Ask an adult if you can go to the nurse to change your clothes.
  •  15
  • A family member is having surgery. What size is the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Big. Make a get well card or call them and tell them you hope they get better soon.
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  • You bumped into someone but no one got hurt. What size is the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Small. Say sorry it was an accident.
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  • What size problems are easy to fix?
    Small problems
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  • When you get mad, name 2 coping strategies that can help calm you down?
    Take deep breaths, ask for help, take a break, squeeze something, listen to music, etc.
  •  15
  • When you are sad, name 2 coping strategies that can help cheer you up?
    Talk to a friend or adult, think positive thoughts, hug your pet, splash some cold water on your face, etc.
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  • Is it ok to get upset or angry?
    Yes, everyone gets upset and angry! Even adults.
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  • You see someone in your class looks sad. What do you do?
    Ask them if they're ok, need help or want to talk.
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  • Which is more helpful during a conflict: Yelling OR Staying Calm? Why?
    Staying calm helps you to talk things out and solve your problems without making other people upset.
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  • What makes you happy?
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  • Your friend seems mad at you and you do not know why. What can you say to your friend?
    Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?
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  • Is it okay to have the wrong answer?
    Sometimes learning involves getting things wrong and that's ok!
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  • Your teacher asked the class a question. You raised your hand but the teacher didn't call on you. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Small. Raise your hand to answer the next question.
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  • You and your partner are disagreeing on the answer to the math problem. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Small. Each person calmly explain their answer and then decide which one is the best.
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  • You and your friend each want to play a different game at recess and you can't decide what to play. What is the size of the problem? What is an appropriate reaction?
    Small. Make a plan/compromise that you both agree with.
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