Game Preview


  •  English    13     Public
    can you find behaviours of respect or disrespect
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You and a friend are playing at your house. You play with lego, blocks, cars and more. Your friend has to go home and does not help you clean the mess. Respectful?
    No: Friends should help you tidy up
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  • You and your friends are playing basketball during recess. Another boy asks to join the game but your friend says "No, we have enough people". Respectful?
    No: We should include everyone
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  • You're parents are busy helping your siblings before dinner. You see the dinner table empty so you help out and set the dinner table. Respectful?
    Yes: You are helping your parents out when they are busy
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  • The teacher is talking to the class but you are talking to your friend beside you really loud and everyone can hear you. Respectful?
    No: You should be quiet when the teacher is talking to the class
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  • You are playing soccer during recess but one kid does not know how to play and is messing up the game. You stop and help him out and teach him how to play. Respectful?
    Yes: You do not tease him but you help him
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  • You are playing a video game and your parents tell you to stop playing because dinner is in 5 minutes. You say "No, I will stop in 5 minutes when dinner starts". Respectful?
    No: You should listen to your parents when they tell you to do something.
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  • Your teacher tells the class to log on to Google Classroom and click on the "Monday" tab. You look around and find a classmate is looking under the wrong tab. You shout out "YOU'RE WRONG, THAT'S NOT THE RIGHT TAB!" Respect or Disrespect?
    Disrespectful- You should worry about yourself. If you do want to really help, ask your friend "Can I help you find it?"
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  • Your teacher tells you to go work in the flex space on your writing. Instead of working, you are online playing YouTube. When the teacher asks "Let's see your work" and you immediately close your laptop. Respect or not?
    Disrespectful- You knew what you were doing was unexpected. Tell the truth and do better next time.
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  • How can you show respect to your teacher when she is reading to the class?
    Answers vary- Whole body listening, following along with the story, etc.
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  • Respectful or Disrespectful: Rolling your eyes to an adult when they ask you do something you don't want to do?
    Disrespectful- There is usually a reason an adult gave you a direction. Be respectful and just do it the first time to avoid unexpected consequences.
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  • Your teacher asks you to get started on your writing. You give her this response. Tell me what why that is unexpected and a better way to answer.
    Say "Yes Ma'am" and get to work.... think before you speak OR make faces!
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  • Your mom tells you to do your homework and you don't want to. How can you respectfully tell her no?
    Using your words in a calm manner is the best outcome. You will still have to do your homework, but maybe at a later time.
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  • You spent too much time playing in the bathroom with some friends from another 3rd grade class. Your teacher asked you if you were playing and you tell her "No". What is the problem and how can this be corrected to show your teacher respect
    Tell the truth- you wont get in as much trouble if you are honest. Plus, you want people to really believe you when you are telling the truth.
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