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6. Food Riddles🧩

  •  English    12     Public
    Hungry for some food riddles? Stretch your mind and belly with these riddles related to food. Children don't like to eat me, but I'm healthy. I look like a little tree. What am I?
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  • Rabbits like to eat me when I'm in the field. I'm an orange vegetable that tastes best when peeled. What am I?
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  • In damp and dark places, that's where I'm often found. On pizza or in soup, you might see me there. I'm small and round, with a cap that's so fair. What am I?
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  • I'm a fruit. You can make fruit juice from me. I have a lot of vitamin C. What am I?
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  • I'm a vegetable. You cut me, chop me, dice me, and cry over me. What am I?
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  • I'm a big, round fruit and look green, but what you eat is red, and what you spit out is black. I'm refreshing too. What am I?
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  • I'm a drink. I taste bitter. Some people put milk and sugar in me. A lot of people like me in the morning. What am I?
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  • I'm fast food. I have meat in it. Most people put toppings on me like ketchup, cheese, cucumber, or mustard. What am I?
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  • I'm a vegetable. Children don't like to eat me, but I'm healthy. I look like a little tree. What am I?
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  • I'm a very sweet dessert. You can eat me mostly during a birthday party and blow out the candles! What am I?
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  • I'm long and thin, made from wheat or rice. Boil me, top me with sauce, and it's really nice. If you slurp me, I'll make your face red. What am I?
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  • I can be red or green and I grow on a vine. I'm dried to make raisins, or squeezed to make wine. What am I?
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  • Black, white, green, or red, Spicy when ground or whole instead. In dishes, I give a zesty pop, What am I?
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