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Kindness Matters

  •  English    9     Public
    Questions about Kindness.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What does it mean to be kind?
    To care about others and do nice things for them.
    Be rude and mean to others.
  •  15
  • Name 2 things you can do to show kindness.
    Give someone a compliment. Share a snack with a friend.
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  • Which of the following is not an example of a kind gesture?
    Holding the door for someone
    Spreading rumors about a classmates
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  • How does it make someone feel when you are kind to them?
    Happy, loved, appreciated
    upset, frustrated, mad
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  • If your classmate is feeling sad, what can you do to be kind?
    Ask them how they're feeling and try to cheer them up.
    Laugh at them.
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  • When is World Kindness Day?
    July 4
    November 13
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  • If someone is new at school and doesn't have any friends, what can you do to show kindness?
    Invite them to sit with you and introduce to your friends
    Tell them to go away
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  • What should you do if you see someone being bullied at school?
    Walk away
    Tell a teacher or a grown-up you trust, and be a friend to t
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  • How can you be kind to someone who is feeling sad?
    Ignoring them and walking away.
    Offering them a hug or kind words
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