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Budgeting Unit Review

  •  English    20     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Which of these costs would be the MOST difficult to adjust if you were looking to reduce your expenses?
    Loan payment on a new car
    Dining out at local restaurants
    Expenses for new clothes
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  • If you are trying to substantially reduce the amount you spend on food, you should try..
    Drinking more coffee and soda so you are not as hungry
    Cooking your own food at home for as many meals as possible
    Dining out as much as possible
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  • Leila just graduated from college and is comparing a few different cities to move to. Which of these factors is the LEAST important thing for her to consider right now?
    Average Rent
    Job Opportunities
    Average cost of Uber, Lyft, or taxi fare
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  • Greg is trying to decide whether he needs a car when he moves to the city. Which of the following would be a reason for Greg to get a car rather than use public transportation?
    The cost of public transportation is less than his car pymt
    Using public transportation, Greg’s commute is 2 hrs one way
    There are several public transportation routes near him
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  • Which of these boxes of cereal has the LOWEST unit price?
    Cereal A, which costs $3.20 for a 16 oz. box
    Cereal B, which costs $5.00 for a 32 oz. box
    Cereal D, which costs $4.50 for an 8 oz box
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  • Isaiah has a summer internship at a technology company and is paid $3,000. After Federal and state taxes, Social Security, and Medicare are deducted, his take-home pay is $2,500. Which of the statements below is correct?
    His gross pay is $2,500 and net pay is $3,000
    His gross pay is $3,000 and net pay is $2,500
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  • You are putting together your first post-graduation budget. Your net pay is $2,500 per month and you estimate that your monthly expenses will be $2,625. How would you describe your budget?
    You have a deficit of $125
    You have a surplus of $125
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  • You are interested in renting an apartment after graduating college. You meet with the landlord and complete the application. All of the following may need to be provided when you sign your lease EXCEPT
    A bank account
    First and last month's rent
    A security deposit
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  • All of the following are good budgeting strategies if you want to save money at the grocery store EXCEPT:
    Focusing on the unit price
    Making a list and sticking to it
    Focusing only on the brand
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  • For two months in a row, Aaron realizes he has a budget deficit of roughly $175. Which of these options makes the most sense for him to fix his problem?
    Start paying the minimum monthly payment on his student loan
    Cancel a streaming service and eat out less often
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  • You're considering moving into a 3 bedroom apartment with 2 roommates, rather than living on your own post-college. Which of your expenses would likely decrease by having roommates?
    cell phone bill
    groceries and eating out
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  • A plan of your expected income and how you will use it to meet your expected expenses over a period of time
    checking account
    savings account
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  • You overhear your cousin talking about the importance of creating and sticking to a budget. All of the following are good reasons to create and stick to a budget EXCEPT:
    A budget can help you identify any bad spending habits
    Having a budget is a requirement for obtaining a mortgage
    Using a budget can allow you to work towards financial goals
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  • Which one of these expenses most likely represents a VARIABLE cost in someone's budget?
    electric bill
    car insurance
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  • What action corresponds to the advice "Pay yourself first?"
    Wait until the end of the month to determine what to save
    Set aside a fraction of your paycheck into a savings account
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  • A cost that can be expected at regular intervals and that remains the same amount (e.g., monthly rent payment)
    Fixed Expense
    Variable Expense
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