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Idioms in Context: I

  •  English    23     Public
    Can you read the idiom in context and determine the true meaning?
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  • By doing the roof repairs myself I will save $1000. It's so true that a penny saved is a penny earned. (What does a penny saved is a penny earned?)
    Be cautious of your money and have a savings
  •  15
  • I couldn't make it to school today because of a nasty case of the flu. My mom called in and told them I was sick as a dog. (What does sick as a dog mean?)
    To be very sick
  •  15
  • His comments were intended to be tongue in cheek, but his friends took it seriously and that started a huge argument. (What does tongue in cheek mean?)
    Saying something jokingly, but appearing to be serious (ironic)
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  • I know this is difficult work, but we are all in the same boat here, so we’ll have to do this together. (What does in the same boat mean?)
    Be in the same unpleasant situation as other people
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  • My younger brother really gets under my skin. He is always whining about things that aren't a big deal! (What does get under my skin mean?)
    To bother, annoy, or irritate someone
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  • I was about to get grounded for breaking the vase, but then the phone rang and my mom got distracted talking to her friend! Phew, saved by the bell. (What does saved by the bell mean?)
    To be rescued at the last moment before harm comes
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  • My sister said she wanted to go to the auction with me but, reading between the lines, she really didn't want to. She was sighing the whole time and kept asking if it was over yet. (What does reading between the lines mean?)
    Understanding what is said in a situation without it being said explicitly
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