Game Preview

Starters Game 1 16 october

  •  English    20     Public
    present continuous / prepositions of place
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  • Translate the sentence to English: Estoy atrapando una pelota.
    I am catching a ball
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  • Translate to English: Ella está eligiendo un vestido.
    She is choosing a dress.
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  • Translate to English: Estamos haciendo ejercicio en el jardín.
    We are doing exercise in the garden
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  • Translate: Él está dibujando un elefante enorme.
    He is drawing a huge elephant
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  • Translate: Estás bebiendo agua.
    You are drinking water.
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  • Translate: Ella está conduciendo un coche rapido.
    She is driving a fast car.
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  • Translate: Ellos están comiendo sándwiches de queso y jamón.
    They are eating ham and cheese sandwiches.
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  • Translate: Él está encontrando sus llaves.
    He is finding his keys.
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  • Translate: Estamos volando una cometa.
    We are flying a kite.
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  • Translate: Estoy cogiendo un libro del estante.
    I am taking a book from the shelf.
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  • Translate to Spanish: You are giving a gift to your friend.
    Estás dando un regalo a tu amigo.
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  • Translate: She is going to bed early.
    Ella se esta yendo temprano a la cama.
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  • We are going to the park in the forest.
    Vamos al parque en el bosque.
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  • Translate: You are having a party tomorrow.
    Vas a tener una fiesta mañana.
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  • He is hitting the ball with a bat.
    Él está golpeando la pelota con un bate.
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  • She is holding a flower.
    Ella está sosteniendo una flor.
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