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TikTok- Comp Card (SpeechTimeFun)

  •  English    10     Public
    comp cards
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  • When was TikTok released?
    TikTok was released in 2016.
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  • What do people use TikTok for?
    People use TikTok to share videos with other people around the world.
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  • According to this paragraph, what type of videos do people share on TikTok?
    People share animal, dancing, talent, and singing videos.
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  • When did TikTok gain its popularity?
    In the year 2020.
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  • Find the word SENSATION in the passage and reread the sentence. What do you think the word SENSATION it means?
    Sensation refers to something that causes excitement.
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  • What is the main idea? What is this passage mainly about?
    The passage is about what TikTok is and when it gained its popularity.
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  • What did the author compare TikTok to?
    The author compared TikTok to a talent show.
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  • Why do you think people were looking for things to do in 2020?
    I think people were looking for things to do in 2020 because of the COVID pandemic and being at home.
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  • Do you think TikTok will be popular in 10 years? Why?
    I think TikTok will not be as popular in the future because other things will be invented.
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  • Why do you think TikTok is compared to a talent show?
    TikTok is like a talent show because people can share their abilities, talents and skills with other people, similar to what they would do at a talent show.
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