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Idioms house and home

  •  English    8     Public
    What do you think the idioms mean?
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  • safe as houses
    very safe: “This plan is as safe as houses. It can’t fail!”
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  • eat someone out of house and home
    eat a lot of food: “When they stayed with me, they ate me out of house and home!”
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  • get your own house in order
    tidy up your own affairs before criticising other people’s: “You should get your own house in order before telling me what to do!”
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  • be on the house
    be free (in a restaurant): “Can I get you a drink on the house?”
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  • build castles in the air
    have impossible dreams or plans: “She has this unrealistic idea of sailing around the world. She’s building castles in the air again.”
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  • lead someone up the garden path
    deceive someone: “He really led her up the garden path with his promises of promotion and career advancement.”
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  • throw money down the drain
    waste money: “If you ask me, by giving your son all that money, you’re really throwing money down the drain.”
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  • get on like a house on fire
    get on very well with someone: “Those two get on like a house on fire.”
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