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Synonyms and Antonyms

  •  English    20     Public
    middle school synonyms and antonyms (6th/7th grade)
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  • COUNTERFEIT money is fake currency that is designed to look exactly like real money. What is an antonym for counterfeit?
    real, genuine, authentic
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  • COUNTERFEIT money is fake currency that is designed to look exactly like real money. What is a synonym for counterfeit?
    fake, fraudulent
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  • A boxing match might come to an ABRUPT end if one boxer knocks out the other boxer in the first round. What is a synonym for abrupt?
    sudden, unexpected, quick
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  • A boxing match might come to an abrupt end if one boxer knocks out the other boxer in the first round. What is an antonym for abrupt?
    gradual, slow, expected
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  • At his grandma's funeral, Billy had a GRIM expression. What is a synonym for grim?
    gloomy, sad, somber
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  • At his grandma's funeral, Billy had a GRIM expression. What is an antonym for grim?
    cheerful, happy, carefree
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  • The water of a polluted river would be described as MURKY, since one cannot see through it. What is a synonym for murky?
    dark, unclear, muddy
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  • The water of a polluted river would be described as MURKY, since one cannot see through it. What is an antonym for murky?
    clear, bright, shiny
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  • My mom told me if we got a dog, I would have to take the UTMOST care of it, making sure it is always fed and walked. What is a synonym for utmost?
    great, extreme, most
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  • My mom told me if we got a dog, I would have to take the UTMOST care of it, making sure it is always fed and walked. What is an antonym for utmost?
    least, minimal
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  • A LAVISH dinner party would cost a lot of money and serve many fancy, expensive foods. What is a synonym for lavish?
    expensive, fancy, luxurious, extravagant
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  • A LAVISH dinner party would cost a lot of money and serve many fancy, expensive foods. What is an antonym for lavish?
    affordable, cheap, economical
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  • I do not like the bully at our school, I LOATHE him. What is a synonym for loathe?
    hate, despise
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  • I do not like the bully at our school, I LOATHE him. What is an antonym for loathe?
    love, cherish
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  • When I grow up, I hope to have a successful job and be PROSPEROUS. What is a synonym for prosperous?
    succeed financially, rich, wealthy, successful, flourish
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  • When I grow up, I hope to have a successful job and be PROSPEROUS. What is an antonym for prosperous?
    fail, fizzle, lose money
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