Game Preview

W10 - Problem-solving

  •  English    20     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Bullying Prevention: Situation: You witness a classmate being teased and bullied in school. How would you intervene and support your classmate?
  •  15
  • Time Management: Situation: You have a big project, a soccer game, and a family dinner all on the same day. How can you manage your time effectively?
  •  15
  • Peer Pressure: Situation: Your friends want you to skip school with them. How would you politely decline their invitation and explain your reasons?
  •  15
  • Cybersecurity: Situation: You receive a suspicious email asking for personal information. What steps would you take to ensure your online security?
  •  15
  • Conflict Resolution with Friends: Situation: You had a disagreement with your best friend over a misunderstanding. How would you resolve the conflict and rebuild your friendship?
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  • Stress Management: Situation: You're feeling overwhelmed by upcoming exams and assignments. What stress-relief techniques could you use to stay focused and calm?
  •  15
  • Healthy Eating Choices: Situation: You have the choice between a fast-food meal or a homemade, balanced lunch. What factors would you consider in making your decision?
  •  15
  • Environmental Conservation: Situation: Your local park is littered with trash. How would you organize a cleanup event to raise awareness about environmental conservation?
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  • Effective Communication: Situation: You and your parents have been arguing a lot lately. How can you improve communication and resolve conflicts at home?
  •  15
  • Goal Setting: Situation: You want to improve your grades. What specific goals would you set, and how would you work toward achieving them?
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  • Part-Time Jobs: Situation: You have a part-time job and find it challenging to balance work, school, and social life. What strategies can help you manage your time?
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  • Online Etiquette: Situation: A classmate posts an unflattering photo of you on social media without your permission. How would you address this situation?
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  • Community Engagement: Situation: You want to make a positive impact in your community. What volunteer opportunities would you explore, and why?
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  • Balancing Screen Time: Situation: You spend a lot of time on your smartphone and feel it's affecting your studies. How can you reduce screen time while staying connected?
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  • Conflict with Siblings: Situation: You and your sibling argue over sharing the computer. How would you find a fair solution to this conflict?
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  • Money Management: Situation: You receive a monthly allowance, but you're not sure how to budget your money. How would you plan your spending and saving?
  •  15