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What is the Main Idea?

  •  English    24     Featured
    Read the text. Pick the main idea. (ideal for 2nd and 3rd grade readers) - info taken from Jungle Safari
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  • Sophie is doing her homework. She sits at her kitchen table and reads her book. She can usually do her work by herself. Sometimes she has to ask her parents for help. What is the main idea?
    Sophie is doing her homework.
    Sophie is at the kitchen table.
    Sophie's parents help her.
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  • Lexi loves to jump rope. She can jump rope very fast and even do a criss-cross. She is trying to learn how to double dutch. It is harder to jump over two ropes. What is the main idea?
    It is hard to double dutch.
    Lexi can jump fast.
    Lexi loves to jump rope.
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  • Jacob led a backyard safari. He and his friends looked at trees. They picked up rocks. They looked in the pond. They found many interesting animals. What is the main idea?
    Jacob and his friends looked at trees.
    Jacob led his friends through the backyard.
    Jacob and his friends went to Africa.
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  • Storks are interesting birds. They live in Europe in the spring and summer. They fly south every fall. They spend the winter in Africa. It is warmer there.  What is the main idea?
    Storks live in Europe in the summer and Africa in the winter
    Winters are warmer in Africa.
    Storks are cold.
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  • Zach polled his class to find out what kinds of pets they each had. He found out that five kids have dogs, seven kids have cats, and six kids don't have pets. What is the main idea?
    Six kids don't have pets.
    Zach polled his class about pets.
    More kids have cats than dogs.
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  • Ann helped her mom plant a garden. First, they picked out the weeds so the new plants would have room to grow. Then, they put the seeds into the soil & watered the seeds. Finally, they watched the plants in the garden grow. What is the m
    Ann helped plant a garden.
    Ann watered the seeds.
    Ann picked weeds.
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  • Kayla's favorite animal is the koala. She has some koala toys. Her favorite thing in her room is her poster of a koala. She likes to see the koalas at the zoo. One time she got to pet a koala. What is the main idea?
    Kayla has koala toys.
    Kayla likes koalas.
    Kayla got to pet a koala.
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  • Logan likes to play all types of games. Logan's favorite games are card games. HE likes playing games on the playground too. Logan likes games so much that he doesn't care if he wins. What is the main idea?
    Logan likes playing games.
    Logan lieks to win.
    Logan likes card games the best.
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  • Eric had a part in the school play. His costume had paws, a tail, and a mane.  He put it on and growled. Can you guess what part Eric played?  Yes, he was a lion.  What is the main idea?
    Eric's costume had a mane.
    Eric had a tail.
    Eric played a lion in the play.
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  • Sandy cannot reach high shelves. She cannot even reach the kitchen sink without a stool. That is why Sandy likes giraffes. She would like to be one! What is the main idea?
    Sandy cannot reach the sink.
    Sandy is not very tall.
    Sandy likes giraffes.
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  • There are many different kinds of bears. Polar bears have white fur and live in cold climates. There are also brown bears and black bears. These bears mostly live in forests. What is the main idea?
    There are many types of bears.
    Polar bears live in cold climates.
    Black bears live in forests.
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  • Sue's favorite book is Crictor by Tom Ungerer. It is about a teacher and her pet snake. Sue laughs every time she reads it. What is the main idea?
    Crictor is a funny book about a pet snake.
    Snakes are funny.
    Sue likes to laugh.
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  • Kesley collects stickers. She has some stickers that smell. She has some stickers that are glittery. She also has stickers that are very big. All her stickers are in her sticker book. What is the main idea?
    Kelsey collect stickers.
    Kelsey's sticker book is full.
    Some stickers smell.
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  • Jane has a pet goldfish. She feeds her goldfish every day. She also has to change the water in the fish bowl. Jane likes to watch her goldfish swim around her bowl. What is the main idea?
    Jane changes the water in the fish bowl.
    Jane's goldfish is named Ralph.
    Jane takes care of her goldfish.
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  • When an octopus is trying to get away from an enemy, it sprays ink. This ink clouds the water. The ink also blocks the smell of the octopus. Then the octopus can get a way. What is the main idea?
    An octopus can spray ink as a defense.
    Enemies can't smell the octopus.
    Ink clouds the water.
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  • Mike went on a zoo safari. He saw many animals, but he liked the hippos the best. They were slow on land, but they were fast in the water. What is the main idea?
    Mike liked the hippos at the zoo.
    Hippos are fast swimmers.
    Mike saw many animals at the zoo.
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