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English File Advanced: Personality 1A

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  • to do something even though you know that something bad could happen as a result  [an expression]
    to take risks
  •  20
  • to make use of somebody/something, sometimes in a way that is unfair or dishonest  [an expression]
    to take advantage of
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  • to be likely to do something or to happen in a particular way because this is what often or usually happens  [an expression]
    to tend to
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  • sensible and practical, being realistic about yourself instead of being a dreamer and thinking there is something special about you  [an expression]
    be down to earth
  •  25
  • to be a very kind and generous person, willing to help anybody and everybody like a saint  [an expression]
    to have a heart of gold
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  • a person who seems unfriendly and without emotions  [an expression]
    be a cold fish
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  • (informal) a person or thing that is very annoying  [an expression]
    a real pain in the neck
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  • (informal) a person that you can easily persuade to do what you want like give you money or let you do things  [an expression]
    A soft touch
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  • to become angry easily [an expression]
    to have a quick temper
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  • hates hurting anybody [expression]
    wouldn't hurt a fly
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  • Lazy, unhelpful [expression]
    doesn’t lift a finger
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  • too satisfied about who you are, think you're much more important or cooler than you are [expresion]
    be full of yourself
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  • someone who is energetic and funny and at the centre of activity during social occasions [expression]
    Be the life and soul of the party
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  • someone who wants to be in charge and is obsessive about making everything happen in exactly the way they personally want
    A control freak
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