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I Statements & Communication

  •  English    12     Public
    Practice using I statements and learn about different communication styles
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is an I statement?
    It is a statement that is used to describe and focus on your own feelings and thoughts rather than placing blame on someone else.
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  • How do you set up an I statement?
    "I feel... when... because..."
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  • Your sibling lied and it made you look like you did something wrong. How can you communicate how you feel using an I statement?
    I feel..... when...... because.....
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  • Your friend seems to be ignoring you. How can you express how you feel to them using an I statement?
    I feel..... when..... because....
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  • You're having a hard time understanding an assignment in class. How could you use an I statement to tell the teacher how you feel?
    I feel.... when..... because.....
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  • You're working on a group project in class, and you feel like one of the members isn't doing their part. How can you express how you feel?
    I feel..... when.... because....
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  • Is using an I statement an Aggressive, Passive, or Assertive type of communication?
    Assertive communication
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  • Describe what passive communication is.
    When someone prioritizes the feelings and needs of others, even at their own expense; they do not express their own needs or stand up for themselves
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  • Describe what aggressive communication is.
    When someone only cares about their own needs, feelings, and wants; can be mean and loud when speaking
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  • What kind of communication style is this: You order food and you end up getting something you hate. You say in a soft, disappointed voice, "I don't mind, I'll just eat this I guess."
    Passive. What could you have said and done differently to communicate assertively?
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  • What does it mean to be an active listener?
    It means showing the speaker you are listening by having no distractions, nodding head, not interrupting, and striving to understand them
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  • True or false: Being an active listener is a part of healthy communication.
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