Game Preview

G6 Ch2 L4 Microorganisms

  •  English    10     Public
    Week 13 McGraw-Hill Science for ESL students.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • How do microscopic fungi get the nutrients they need?
    They absorb dissolved nutrients from their surroundings.
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  • In what conditions does the Candida fungus multiply? What condition can it cause?
    Warm & moist; infections like athlete's foot.
  •  10
  • Name three different structures that protists use for movement.
    Flagella, cilia, pseudopods.
  •  15
  • Name and discuss three different types of bacteria.
    Wow, you really know your stuff! / Sorry, we were looking for...
  •  15
  • Are archaebacteria likely to be found on your skin? Explain.
    No, because they live in some of the harshest conditions on earth.
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  • Do you think diatoms live near the surface of lakes and oceans or in deep water? Why?
    Wow, you really know your stuff! / Sorry, we were looking for...
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  • What is binary fission? Describe the steps.
    A type of asexual reproduction in which the organism divides in two; the organism will stretch itself out, make copies of its chromosomes, and divide in half.
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  • When budding occurs, do you think the new organism resembles the parent? Why or why not?
    Yes, because the new bud has identical genetic information in its chromosomes.
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  • How do enzymes help mold digest food?
    They help chemical reactions, like the breaking down and absorption of nutrients, occur faster.
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  • How do binary fission and conjugation differ?
    Conjugation: 2 connected bacterial cells, genetic information transferred between; Binary Fission: the organism divides in two.
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