Game Preview


  •  English    15     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • If you were given three wishes, what would you wish for?
    I would choose...
  •  10
  • If you were a color, what color would you be and why?
    I would be the color... because
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  • If you could choose to live anywhere in the world where would you prefer to live?
    I would like to live in... because
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  • What job would you most like to do? why? (not teaching)
    I would like to be a...
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  • Have you ever seen an old silent black-and-white movie? Do you like that kind of film? What is your favorite type of film? Why?
    My favorite is...
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  • Have you ever spent a day without any technology? How would you feel if all technology disappeared completely? What would you miss most? Why?
    Yes..., No...
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  • If electricity weren't invented yet, how would your life be different?
    It would be different in many ways... for example...
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  • If you were the President of the USA for a day, what would you do?
    I would
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  • If you could have any one supernatural power (flying, being invisible), which would you choose and why?
    I would...
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  • What kind of TV programs do you hate watching? Why? What is favorite TV program and why?
    I hate... because... / I love watching... becuase
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  • Have you done much shopping online? Do you prefer shopping online or in real shops? Why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each one?
    I prefer...
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  • What are your resolutions for next year and why???
    I ...
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  • What did you think was the most challenging part of being a kid? Describe it and tell us why
    I think...
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  • What is the most difficult thing you’ve ever done? Describe it and tell us why it was the most difficult.
    The most difficult was
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  • What three things are you most grateful for? Why are you so grateful for them?
    I am so grateful for...
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