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small business

  •  English    18     Public
    small business
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  • What percentage of all businesses in the United States are considered small businesses? a) 25% b) 50% c) 75% d) 99.9%
    d) 99.9%
  •  15
  • What's the word for the special things that make a business different from others? a) Logo b) Brand c) Storefront d) Commercial
    a) Brand
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  • Why might a small business make a business plan? a) To show off b) To get a loan c) To create a mascot d) To make a grocery list
    a) To secure a loan
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  • What's it called when a business has a physical store where you can shop? a) In-Person Shopping b) Online Shopping c) Mall Crawl d) Brick-and-mortar
    a) Brick-and-mortar
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  • Which financial paper tells you about a company's money at a certain time? a) Budget b) Balance Sheet c) Magic Wand d) Cash Flow Chart
    b) Balance sheet
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  • What does ROI stand for when talking about small businesses? a) Return on Ice Cream b) Revenue on Instagram c) Return on Investment d) Really Outstanding Ideas
    a) Return on Investment
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  • Which type of financing is used for everyday costs like buying products? a) Magic Money b) Angel Investment c) Equity Financing d) Working Capital Loan
    d) Working capital loan
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  • When customers spread the word about a business, what's that called? a) Whisper Marketing b) Viral Marketing c) Online Secrets d) Shouting Ads
    b) Viral marketing
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  • What U.S. agency helps small businesses? a) CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) b) FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) c) SBA (Small Business Administration) d) NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
    d) SBA (Small Business Administration)
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  • Where do businesses sell stuff directly to people online? a) Social Media b) Farmers' Market c) E-commerce d) Secret Underground Tunnels
    c) E-commerce
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  • What's it called when a business can pay its bills with what it has? a) Liquidity b) Flexibility c) Superpower d) Invisibility
    a) Liquidity
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  • What insurance helps businesses if they get sued? a) Pizza Delivery Insurance b) Liability Insurance c) Unicorn Insurance d) Rainbow Insurance
    b) Liability insurance
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  • What do you call it when a business tries to find new customers? a) Shouting b) Magic c) Sales d) Lead Generation
    d) Lead generation
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  • What's a big challenge for new businesses? a) Too much free time b) Lots of customers c) Not enough money d) Instant fame
    c) Limited resources
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  • What does SWOT stand for in business talk? a) Strong, Weak, Ordinary, Tough b) Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
    a) Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
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  • What social media platform is NOT often used for business? a) Facebook b) Twitter c) MySpace d) Instagram
    c) MySpace
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