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7th gr Mesopotamia

  •  English    27     Public
    quiz practice
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  • Draw a social structure prymid (merchants, priests, king, peasants, soldiers)
  •  25
  • True or False: The advantage of people living in a permanent settlement was to grow harvest crops.
  •  15
  • What is a fossil?
    A fossil is the preserved remains or impressions of a living organism such as a plant, animal, or insect. Some fossils are very old.
  •  15
  • What is Anthropolgy?
    the study of historical events
    the study of fossils
    the study of the human body
    the study of human societies and cultures and their developm
  •  20
  • On a timeline what does BC stand for?
    Before the dinosaurs
    Before Christ died
    Before Christ
  •  15
  • On a timeline what does BCE stand for?
    Before Current/Common Era
  •  15
  • On a timeline what does AD stand for?
    Anno Domini
    After Christ Died
    After the Dinsoaurs died
  •  15
  • On a timeline what does CE stand for?
    Current Era
  •  15
  • Is the timeline labeled correctly?
  •  15
  • Is the timeline labeled correctly?
  •  15
  • What it that led people from wanting to be hunter gatherers lifestyle to living in a permanent settlement?
    the weather was bad
    they were tired of moving
    learning they could grow and harvest crops
  •  15
  • What is a Ziggurat? (give two features and location)
    a tower-like stepped pyramid-shaped temple with several floors above which the main temple was located - typically of major cities of ancient Mesopotamia
  •  25
  • Were the Mesopotamians polytheistic or monotheistic?
  •  15
  • Why did the Mesopotamians settle near rivers?
    to provide drinking water, agricultural irrigation, and major transportation routes
  •  15
  • What is silt?
    Silt is made up of rock & mineral particles that are larger than clay but smaller than sand. It's found in soil and along side clay, sand & gravel.
  •  15
  • What is cuneiform?
    a system of writing used in the ancient Middle East
  •  15