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Social Issues Idioms

  •  English    16     Public
    Social Issues
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  • What does "beyond a shadow of a doubt" mean?
    It's to be certain about something.
  •  5
  • What does "keep at arm's length" mean?
    It's to not allow someone to become too friendly with you.
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  • What does "get to grips" mean?
    It's to make an effort to understand and deal with a problem or situation.
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  • What does "live from hand to mouth" mean?
    It is to have just enough money to live on and nothing extra.
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  • What does "fiddle while Rome burns" mean?
    It's doing unimportant or normal things while there are important situations to be addressed being ingored.
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  • What does "live on the breadline" mean?
    It's to be extremely poor.
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  • What does "vicious circle" mean?
    It's a continuing unpleasant situation, created when one problem causes another problem that then makes the first problem worse.
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  • What does "bone of contention" mean?
    It's something that two people or groups cannot agree about.
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  • What does "sticking point" mean?
    A sticking point in a discussion is a point on which it is not possible to reach an agreement.
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  • What does "above board" mean?
    It is an open or honest situation or business that is not trying to deceive anyone.
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  • What does "add fuel to the fire" mean?
    It is to worsen already existing tension.
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  • What does "agree to disagree" mean?
    It's to accept or set aside a disagreement.
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  • What does "in dire straits" mean?
    It is to be in a really serious or bad situation.
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  • What is a "last resort"?
    It is an option you use as a “last chance” when there are no other options available.
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  • What does "the tip of the iceberg" mean?
    It is only a small part of the problem; the biggest part of the problem is hidden.
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  • What does "stop the rot" mean?
    It is to prevent a situation from deteriorating, especially in business or politics.
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