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  •  English    22     Public
    Making Offers-Thanking and Apologies-Invitations and Suggestions
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  • Give at least  3 ways to answer when someone has thanked you.
    1. You're welcome. 2. Don t mention it. 3. (It's) my pleasure 4. It's nothing. 5. I'm glad I could help. 6. Glad to be of help. 7. No problem. 8. Anytime
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  • "I beg your pardon? " means ______________.
    What did you say?
    I'm sorry.
    Forgive me.
    Please forgive me.
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  • Invite someone to have dinner tonight.
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  • Give at least 2 ways of accepting an invitation.
    Yes • Yeah • Sure • Of course• I'd like to/I'd love to.
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  • How do you refuse an invitation? Give at least 2 examples.
    Sorry, but no/I'm afraid,I can't/I'm sorry, I can't/ I'd love to but .../I'd like to but , I can't.
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  • How do you accept this invitation: Would you like to go camping ton New Year's Day?
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