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University Vocabulary

  •  English    32     Public
    TOEFL useful vocabulary for university life.
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  • Homework given to students. (noun), a piece of work or job that you are given to do.
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  • A school or university year. (noun)
    Academic Session
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  • A person who assists students in planning their educational programs. (noun)
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  • The first degree for people studying at a university. (noun)
    Bachelor’s degree
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  • The buildings and the surrounding land of a university or college. (singular noun)
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  • Course unit. (noun), unit that shows you have completed part of a college course.
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  • A ceremony at which students formally receive their academic degrees (American English). (noun), a graduation cerimony.
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  • The qualification given to students who have completed their studies at a college or university. (noun). If you finished Engineering, you have a ........ in Engineering.
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  • A senior official at a college or university, a high-rank official in a university who is in charge of a department or group of departments. (noun)
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  • A section of a college or university that deals with a particular area of study. (noun)
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  • A document given by a college or university that shows you have finished your studies or passed a certain exam. (noun)
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  • The paper written at the end of a degree course. (noun)
    Dissertation, Final Paper.
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  • A large building at campus where students live (American English). (noun)
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  • To officially join in a course. (verb), to matriculate.
    To enroll
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  • A particular department at a college or university, or the teachers in that department.
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  • To be unsuccessful in a test or exam (verb)
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