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Expressions with 'word'

  •  English    50     Public
    Life2 9c Wordfocus
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  • He translated the poem _____, capturing its essence in the new language.
    from word to word [Reciting or reproducing something exactly as it was originally written or spoken.]
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  • The beauty of the artwork was so overwhelming that _____.
    words fail me [I am unable to find the right words to express myself adequately.]
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  • She read the contract _____ to make sure she understood all the terms.
    word by word [Going through something meticulously or in great detail.]
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  • He _____ that he would be there on time for the meeting.
    gave his word [To promise or assure something to someone.]
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  • _____: always check the weather forecast before planning an outdoor event.
    Word to the wise [A piece of advice or warning intended for those who are wise or perceptive.]
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  • She didn't _____ when expressing her dissatisfaction with the new policy.
    mince words [To speak cautiously or avoid saying something directly, often to avoid offending.]
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  • She always has _____ and helps create a positive atmosphere.
    a good word for her coworkers [Speaking positively about someone to praise or endorse them.]
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  • The author is a true _____, able to craft beautiful prose that captivates readers.
    wordsmith [A person who is skilled in using words, often associated with writing or speaking eloquently.]
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  • The lawyer analyzed _____ to build a strong case for his client.
    the word of the law [The exact wording and interpretation of a legal statute or regulation.]
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  • As _____, be careful when dealing with that company; their reputation isn't the best.
    a word of warning [A piece of advice that alerts someone to potential risks or dangers.]
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  • Writers and speakers often underestimate _____ to shape opinions and change lives.
    the power of words [The ability of language to influence, inspire, or affect people's thoughts, feelings, and actions.]
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  • We played _____, and when I said "ocean," he immediately said "waves."
    word association [A game or exercise where participants respond with the first word that comes to mind when given a prompt word.]
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  • He's _____; if he says he'll do something, he'll do it without fail.
    a man of his word [Someone who keeps their promises and is known for being trustworthy.]
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  • Please _____ that the meeting has been rescheduled to next Friday.
    pass the word [To communicate information to others; to spread news or instructions.]
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  • The students _____ during the fascinating lecture.
    hung on the professor's every word [To pay close attention to everything someone says; to be completely engaged in their conversation.]
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  • He _____ and didn't show up to help as he had promised.
    broke his word [To fail to keep a promise or commitment.]
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