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Social conversation F6 +

  •  English    33     Public
    Questions for kids
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • If you could choose a new name, what would it be?
    Sts answer
  •  15
  • If you could be anywhere now, where would you be and why?
    Sts answer
  •  15
  • If you could just eat one food forever what would it be?
    Sts answer
  •  15
  • Where would you like to go in your next holiday and why?
    Sts answer
  •  15
  • If you could have one wish what would it be?
    Sts answer
  •  15
  • What is your favourite dessert?
    Sts answer
  •  15
  • What animal do you like the most and why?
    Sts answer
  •  15
  • What were you doing when we called you?
    Sts answer
  •  15
  • In your opinion, is there life on other planets?
    Sts answer
  •  15
  • What would happen if it never rained?
    Sts answer
  •  15
  • If you could go back and time and change one thing, what would it be and why?
    Sts answer
  •  15
  • Tell me something about yourself that I probably don’t know?
    Sts answer
  •  15
  • If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
    Sts answer
  •  15
  • In your opinion, should children set their own bedtimes?
    Sts answer
  •  15
  • What do you most like about yourself?
    Sts answer
  •  15
  • If you had a lot of money, What would you do?
    Sts answer
  •  15