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Swift Rivers Week Three Chapters 7-8

  •  English    17     Public
    Swift Rivers Week Three Chapters 7-8
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What was the Indian trying to do to Chris in Chapter 7?
    The Indian was trying to drown him.
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  • Why did the Indian not call for help?
    He did not want his companions to know he had let the logs slip away. He would rather have died than face humiliation.
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  • What task was “Putting down a dead man”?
    It was the difficult job of dragging free the bow portion of the raft, which had been buried in sand.
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  • Why did Chris begin to wish the journey would not end? (p. 223)
    Being a simple country boy, he was haunted by questions about how he would manage in St. Louis. He also wondered how he would do business with the gentlemen.
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  • Who stole John Rawlin’s savings?
    Tom Loomis, the horse thief from Goose Wing Valley
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  • Who begged for a ride on Chris’ raft? Why?
    Tom Loomis did. He was trying to escape Jim Rawlin’s friends who were after him.
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  • Who or what was the Yellow Giant?
    The Yellow Giant was the Missouri River — a “tumbling, tawny giant... flinging a yellow flood into the translucent water of the first stream.”
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  • Who was standing on shore when Chris finally arrived at St. Louis?
    Stuart Hale and Pierre Dumenille
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  • What were Stuart and Chris quarreling about?
    Chris wanted Stuart to take more money from the sale of the logs, but Chris was refusing to do so.
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  • How did the journey change Stuart?
    Stuart now had an appreciation for education. He also knew he could persevere through long hard work and study.
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  • What was Monsieur Gervraise going to do with the walnut log?
    He would build a figure head for his new ship, the Golden Age. It would be a figure of Father Time with great wings, and it would be carved out of the perfect w
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  • Why did Chris not feel abashed in the presence of the gentlemen who had come to buy his logs?
    They were on common ground: they were all interested in timber and what could be made from it. Also he had wood that they wanted. “They were on equal footing”.
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  • Why did Pierre refuse payment from Chris for piloting his logs? What
    Pierre refused payment because Chris had worked well and had served his dearest friend Langford.
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  • What was David Payne’s great mission?
    He wanted to establish liberal education in the new country by building a school to educate the young.
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  • What had Grandfather planted in front of his cabin?
    A new walnut tree.
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  • What was Chris’ plan moving forward?
    His plan was to complete one more season of logging and rafting to raise enough funds to ensure Grandfather would be properly cared for.
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