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Social Scenarios

  •  English    20     Public
    Emotional Inferencing
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You give your best friend a gift for her birthday. When she opens it, she screams and has a big smile on her face. Do you think she liked your gift or did not like your gift?
    She liked your gift.
  •  15
  • You are eating dinner with your family. You are chewing with your mouth open and your mom yells at you for chewing too loudly. How do you think your mom feels? Why do you think she yelled at you?
    She could mad or annoyed because your chewing with your mouth open.
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  • You have an important show that you are performing in. You invite all of your friends to come watch. When you are up on stage, you see that none of them came. How does this make you feel?
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  • Your aunt gives you a pair of socks for Christmas when you asked for a phone instead. How do you feel that you received a gift that you did not ask for? What should you say to your aunt?
    You should still say thank you for the gift.
  •  15